North Chadderton

The Oak Trust will provide excellence in teaching, learning and leadership development.
This will be based on safe, inclusive practice which inspires and challenges everyone.
The Oak Trust

LAC Members

Local Advisory Committee members are accountable to the Trust Board as well as to the communities they serve. Whilst not trustees under charity law, the LAC members are under a duty to act in good faith and in the interests of the Academy and the Trust.

Details of the authorities delegated by the Trust Board to the Local Advisory Committee are set out in the Scheme of Delegation.


Introducing our Local Advisory Committee


Dr Claire Howard - Chair of the LAC

I have been involved in school governance for over 15 years, as a parent governor, community governor, LAC member and now Chair of the North Chadderton LAC. My experience spans both primary (Thorp Primary school) and secondary school levels. I myself am an ex-pupil from North Chadderton and my own two children have attended this wonderful school.  As a long-standing member of the local community, I am in a key position to help develop links between school and relevant stakeholders, building positive relationships for the future.

My professional background is in the NHS as a clinical researcher and healthcare clinician. My PhD in health services research means I have considerable skills in interpretation and analysis of data, questioning the best practice and dissemination of key findings, all of these skills are translated into my LAC role, which I consider an honour to fulfil.


Liz Wilson - Community Member

I have been involved in school governance for over 5 years, as a parent governor and LAC member at Thorp Primary School, and now as a Community Representative within the North Chadderton LAC. My 2 children attend schools in The Oak Trust, and I live within the community the trust serves.  

As a Communications Manager for a bank, I focus on cutting down jargon and making things simple to understand. I work within regulations to manage risk, treat consumers fairly and ensure that their needs are at the center of our decisions. I hope I can bring this perspective and my previous experience to my new role with the North Chadderton LAC.


Karen Winterbottom - Parent member

I am one of the newer members of North Chadderton’s LAC and am delighted to contribute and fulfil this important role. I have lived in Chadderton for most of my life, and both my children attend North Chadderton School.

I have a passion for learning and development and have worked in postgraduate medical education within the NHS for over ten years. My roles involves working closely with both junior doctors and consultants plus a variety of different stakeholders from across a number of settings. Building strong relationships and excellent communication is key and I hope to use these skills to develop and grow within the LAC role.  


Sara Thomas - Parent Member

I am primary school teacher with over 20 years experience. During this time I have held the positions of SENDCO, Early Years Leader and Deputy Head Teacher.

Having now taken a step back from school senior leadership, I still teach in s primary school while also running my own business delivering baby development classes. I also do done work for Manchester Metropolitan University as part of the interview panels for prospective student teachers.

I have extensive experience as a school governor having been the staff governor and then as a Deputy Head, sitting on the board of Governors as an observer.

I have 2 children, the youngest is at primary school and the oldest is currently a student at North Chadderton. 


Claire Cheetham - Community Member

I am an independent educational consultant, providing advice, consultancy, training and strategic leadership support to schools and Local Authorities across the North West. I have over 20 years’ of educational leadership experience having been a Primary Head Teacher for 10 years with a proven track record of School Improvement and Leadership Development. I have worked as an Executive, Interim & Associate Head Teacher. I have worked on commissions in Local Authorities across the North West, including Oldham, Warrington and Sefton, developing School Improvement systems, Early Years support and Leadership CPD.

I am an experienced School Governor and Chair of the Teaching Learning & Safeguarding Advisory & Scrutiny Panel Groundwork Trust Greater Manchester.

Outside the professional side of her life, I enjoy travel and have a Season Ticket for Manchester United.




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 LAC Members

Name Position Date Appointed Date term ends
Dr Claire Howard Chair of Local Advisory Committee - Trust Board Appointed 21/03/2023 21/03/2027
Mrs Clare Cheetham

Community Member - Trust Board Appointed


Responsible for Safeguarding

08/07/2020 07/07/2028
Mrs Karen Winterbottom

Parent Member - Appointed by the Parents


Responsible for Support for Disadvantaged Students



Ms Liz Wilson

Community Member - Trust Board Appointed


Responsible for Staff and Student Wellbeing



Mrs Sara Thomas

Parent Member - Appointed by the Parents


Responsible for Character Education & Careers




Attendance at Local Advisory Committee Meetings 2023 - 2024

 Articles of Association