North Chadderton

The Oak Trust will provide excellence in teaching, learning and leadership development.
This will be based on safe, inclusive practice which inspires and challenges everyone.
The Oak Trust

Standards and Expectations

The North Chadderton Way – Behaviour Curriculum

Pupil behaviour is a key driver in the success of our young people. Like any subject in school, we must teach our young people how we want them to behave in and around the school environment.   


The North Chadderton way is our bespoke Behaviour Curriculum. It will embed routines into the daily life of our young people. It will provide predictability for our students, and it helps to ensure a consistent approach for all staff.  


Some of the aspects of daily life at North Chadderton that we will practice are: 

Meeting and Greeting  

Getting ready to learn 

Calm and safe dismissal 

Walking the route to get snacks or lunch 

Walking on corridors 

Queuing for the toilets 


We want students to be kind, work hard and make a difference. This curriculum will look at the routines we follow in school to help us model those values in how we conduct ourselves in the building, at social time and eventually in the community. 


North Chadderton School collaborated with the Behaviour Hub Programme (completed Spring 2023) that is funded by the Department for Education. This work was designed to develop good behaviour, routines and structures in schools, all pupils are supported in improving their engagement, mental health and wellbeing.




Rewards are much more effective than sanctions in motivating students, and all positive behaviours will be recorded on Classcharts.  


All pupils will start every year with 0 positive and negative points. If and when students behave inappropriately or fail to comply with school behavioural expectations, then sanctions will be applied which will result in negative red points.  

Students who behave appropriately, display positive learning attitudes, work hard, be kind and make a difference will be awarded positive green points.  


Regular analysis of the points will be made, and students who have gained high levels of green positive points with be eligible for prizes, certificates and rewards.  

This is to ensure that the majority of students who work hard every day are acknowledged.  


Acknowledging good behaviour encourages repetition and we want to positively reinforce our values. Acknowledgements can be made for positive behaviour, good attendance, punctuality, working hard, being kind, making a difference, progress with learning, making considerable effort, caring for the school community and following key routines outlined in our Behaviour Curriculum – The North Chadderton Way. 

Examples of rewards are:  

  • Verbal praise  
  • Communicating praise to parents/carers via phone/email/letter/postcard 
  • Acknowledgement letters to communicate when students are making steps in the right direct to improve their conduct 
  • Written praise when marking work or via online or verbal feedback  
  • Displaying of work to build self-esteem  
  • Referrals to a Form Tutor, Subject Leader, Head of Year, SLT, Headteacher 
  • Celebration Assemblies  
  • Certificates, privileges  
  • Year 11 Prom  
  • Breakfasts/lunches/chocolate treats 
  • Head Teacher Award  

 Golden Hour – pupils with exemplary behaviour watching a film as a reward.  


Students are expected to enter School with the correct attitude for learning and the right equipment to enable the students to take an active part in class.

Students are expected to bring with them the equipment needed for their subjects on a daily basis. This includes PE Kit, Science and Food and Technology materials etc.

Students at North Chadderton are expected to bring the following equipment:

Students must bring the correct equipment each day in a suitable school bag.  All students are expected to bring the following essential items and checks will be made by academic tutors daily;

  • Blue or black pens
  • Green pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • Scientific calculator


Students would also benefit from having;

  • Coloured pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Glue stick
  • Protractor


  • Bag - needs to be big enough to carry all books, equipment and PE Kit.
  • Boots - must not be worn.
  • Trainers - must only be worn for P.E. and drama lessons.
  • Coats - Dark coloured coats only. No denim jackets. No coats with logos. Coats must not be worn in school.
  • Jewellery - Pupils may wear a watch but no other item of jewellery.
  • Ear piercing - should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays. Plasters over new studs are not acceptable. No studs including clear studs or any body piercing are allowed in school for Health and Safety reasons.
  • Make-up, Nail varnish, Gel Nails ,False/acrylic nails, False tan, False eyelashes - Must not be worn.
  • Hair - Extremes of colour and style are not acceptable. No.1 and 0 cut is not acceptable.
  • Hooded Sweatshirts – must not be worn.
  • Fizzy, Energy Drinks are NOT allowed in school or to be consumed on the school premises. They will be confiscated.
  • Phones and headphones - must not be used in school.  They should be switched off and in bag.

* Banned items will be confiscated and the school can not accept any responsibility for the loss/damage to any confiscated item. *


Sixth Form

Students studying Mathematics at A-Level are expected to have the CASIO FX-991EX Classwiz calculator, which is essential in preparing for and sitting the new style A' level mathematics examinations.

In addition, students should use a school bag that is large enough to hold all their books and equipment for the day.