North Chadderton

The Oak Trust will provide excellence in teaching, learning and leadership development.
This will be based on safe, inclusive practice which inspires and challenges everyone.
The Oak Trust


Year 11 to Year 12 Transition Support

Next Stop… North Chadderton Sixth Form College – September 2024!

Firstly, I want to congratulate you on the maturity and resilience you have shown over the last year and on being the first group in three years to complete their GCSE exams. I am sure the grades you achieve will reflect both your abilities and how hard you have worked throughout Year 11. I know some of you are already beginning to think ahead to next year and are working on those subjects you wish to pursue at Sixth Form. This really is an exciting time!


With this in mind, we want to support you in your endeavours to prepare for the next phase of your education, whatever that may be. Staff at our sixth form have prepared a range of subject specific resources that will help you to begin preparing for Key Stage 5 studies. The Year 11 into Year 12 Bridging Projects will help you review the knowledge you have gained over Key Stage 4, ensure that there is a solid basis of knowledge to begin to build upon and encourage you to start linking this to more advanced ideas and knowledge. We hope this support will give you some focus over the weeks ahead and help to ensure your transition to further studies is as successful as possible.


Please find below a list of additional resources or topics that you can research to help prepare for starting sixth form:



What is it? 

Help with Course Choice 

If you are unsure what to study and you want to know more about which career a chosen subject will lead you to, what life skills you will gain, how the subject will develop your character and what you research next,  then these resources will undoubtedly help you to discover the possibilities of where these subjects could take you in your future. It will help you to confirm your subject choice and may even open your eyes to subjects you have never considered before! 

Additional Subject Progression Tasks 

These Y11-Y12 transition resources are grids based on Post 16 subjects. Each grid gives you something to watch, listen to, take part in or research in order to prepare you for your Post 16 studies. They are easy to use and have either QR codes or hyperlinks for quick accessibility.  


For those of you wanting to find out more about what the Extended Project Qualification involves, to help decide if it is right for you, this provides you with some suggested links to find out more.  


You will be able to talk to us about these resources, what you have done and what you have learned by completing some of these activities during your Personal Development Programme lessons and with your subject teachers during the first week back. 


We hope this support will give you some focus over the weeks ahead and help to ensure your transition to further studies is as successful as possible.


We look forward to seeing what you have found out! 


Miss Gill - Assistant Director, Head of Sixth Form

Mr Wetters - Assistant Head of Sixth Form     

Mrs Hilton - Achievement and Attainment Co-ordinator 

 Bridging Projects

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Beyond Sixth Form Preparation